
IMJ at the National Queer People of Color Conference

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At the end of March, ImMEDIAte Justice participated in the National Queer People of Color Conference which explored a Fourway: Intersection of Race, Gender, Class, and Sex[uality]. IMJ screened the “Not your Momma’s Sex Ed” short documentary to a full room of conference participants. In attendance was IMJ youth Paola Hernandez and Wendy Sandoval, who took the time to answer questions from the audience. They talked about their experience as filmmakers and why queer youth of color need to have more representation in the media and an outlet to talk about sex.

After talking about the importance media justice and the need for more outlets for young people to talk about sex, we asked the our audience to participate in an interactive exercise of radical media-making.  They formed into groups and were asked to be resourceful and make their own media in response to our film. We posed the questions: “What is missing in sexual education? How would you reclaim the media? What messages would you add to our film about sex and sexuality?” They key was for people to be resourceful, and without fancy equipment or expensive cameras, people pulled out what they had in their pockets and worked together to create their own messages and media. What developed was an excellent example of radical queer people of color media, whether it was messages made with just a pen and paper, or bodies and voices to conduct a skit, or markers to create body art.

One participant drew on their body and encouraged folks to masturbate as a way of getting to know our own bodies but also as way to self pleasure until we are ready or want to have sex with someone. Other participants performed a skit to talk about racialized stereotypes. Others used their voice to combat misconceptions about their identity and sexuality. What a sight to see! Our hope is that people left feeling empowered that they too could create their own messages and subvert mainstream media and demand media justice!

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