An imMEDIAte Justice Mentee Shares Their Thoughts on the Retreat
Yoly, a 17 year old ImMEDIAte Justice veteran and mentee shares her thoughts about the retreat:
“Since I’ve joined ImMEDIAte Justice, my life has never been so easy. From the rope course to the premiere, I learned more about myself and the world. The retreat helped me learn how to feel comfortable in my body and see how many different people are in Los Angeles, which gave me a mind bobble about the world. You always leave fulfilled with new information and power, for example, one of the rope courses required us to climb a tree and jump off and hit a bell to signify that one should take risks. I also learned that I am not alone in the world and that whenever I need help I have countless women supporting me. You have so much support all through the program, and even after it ends. You come on your own and you leave with a family, a family not afraid to express themselves and not afraid to talk about sex, something my parents couldn’t do.”
- Photo by Paola Hernandez.